Giuliano Santi

Actor and Dubbing Actor


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Giuliano is graduated at the 'Accademia D'Arte Drammatica "Silvio D'Amico", he has been engaged by some of the most important Italian acting companies, working with several artists of the Italian Comedy of Art, such as: T. Buazzelli, M. Scaparro, Sandro Sequi, A. Proclemer, Manfré, N. Gazzolo, M Troiani, Lele Luzzati, etc.


Giuliano has been working as dubber on several films and tv series, covering several types of characters in different genre of movies. His voice has a strong capability to adapt to characters with a wide range ages.


Animation and Cartoons are an important part of Giuliano’s work, he has been giving voice of some of the most creative and exciting cartoon characters. He works on different genre of cartoons both of Italian production and International production.


In parallel to the work as an actor Giuliano has been working also on writing dialogues for: movies, both circuit film, tv movie and documentary film; series, both soap opera, telenovela and fiction; documentaries, both scientific and historical; cartoons of Italian production and cartoons developed in other languages, both with fantastic and human characters.


A central activity in Giuliano’s professional practice is the dubbing direction of films, series and cartoons. He has been working as dubbing director for several companies such as RAI and editing societies.


Gaining experience with the direction of theatrical works, Giuliano has directed the production of several documentaries and an a film written by himself analysing and narrating important aspects of family relations in contemporary society.


During his academic studies Giuliano had the rare grant to be involved in important theatrical performances having the opportunity to study the relation between theater and social aspects of local realities.

From the experience of the experimental theater in the plazas, Giuliano started to work with the schools, showing the potential of the contemporary theater as an instrument of education and social cohesion.

Starting developing scripts from literature classics, Giuliano revisited folkloristic scripture of the Tuscan tradition. Important is also the development of ideas and narration to develope new theatrical scripts.

From the collaboration with Lele Luzzati, Giuliano developed a strong interest for masks design that brought him to manufacture masks for important theatrical performance and public events, this experience has been an important component in his teaching activities in the schools.



After several years of experimental and amateur theatre, between the last year of high school and the first year of University Giuliano is admitted to the Academy of Dramatic Art “Silvio d’Amico”, after two years of academy attendance he was granted by the Academy Director Ruggero Jacobbi to attend the third year of Academy engaged by the acting company “Teatro Popolare di Roma”. When he come back from the theatrical tour Giuliano accomplished the third year with the final theatrical essay. Engaged by some of the most important acting companies, after some years of theatrical tours, Giuliano commits himself to dubbing, giving his voice to some of the main characters of important telenovelas, such as “Capitol” and “Avvocati a Los Angeles”. Thanks to the dubbing Giuliano, starts his first experiences in cinema, both as an actor, being selected as the main character for the film “L’Ultimo Innocente”, and as film director and author, writing and developing the film “Plastificati”. Dubbing becomes soon his main activity. Engaged with and exclusivity contract by important dubbing companies, now Giuliano works as dubber, dubbing director and dialogue writer. Giuliano is member of AIDAC and ANAD..


Giuliano is associate of:


Associazione Nazionale Attori Doppiatori

"Associazione Professionale libera e democratica aperta a tutti i doppiatori liberi, senza limiti di età, cioè a tutti coloro che svolgono attività come attori, direttori o assistenti nell'ambito del doppiaggio senza essere vincolati ad impegni di esclusiva con società e/o cooperative" (Estratto da Art. 1 dello Statuto)


    Nuovo Istituto Mutualistico per la tutela dei diritti degli Artisti Interpreti Esecutori

    "Il “nuovo IMAIE” è una Associazione costituita e composta da artisti interpreti o esecutori che abbiano interpretato od eseguito opere, rispettivamente, fissate su fonogramma ovvero cinematografiche ed assimilate, poste in commercio e, comunque, pubblicamente divulgate." (Estratto da Art. 1 dello Statuto)


      Associazione Italiana Dialoghisti Adattatori Cinetelevisivi

      "È costituita con sede in Roma, la "ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA DIALOGHISTI ADATTATORI CINETELEVISIVI" denominata "A.I.D.A.C.", ovvero "AIDAC". L’Associazione ha sede in Via Ofanto 18. E’ conferita al Consiglio Direttivo dell’Associazione la facoltà di deliberare lo spostamento della sede, senza necessità di modifiche statutarie." (Estratto da Art. 1 dello Statuto)


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